This is an out take from a magazine assignment. I shot this on June 1st in 2007. This is a link to the article. And here's the uncropped version of the photo of McNary Dam on the Columbia River that they used on the opening spread on the article. The online version they use doesn't do it or the print layout justice.

The assignment was really interesting. I got to shoot a salmon recovery operation at the Three Mile Falls Dam on the Umatilla River run by members of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation in the morning and in the afternoon, Madison Farms which grows vast amounts of crops to feed the growing need for bio diesel. Two completely different but necessary uses of the limited supply of water from the Columbia River. Both sides feeling that they are the doing the best in the name of environmental issues. Water is definitely the issue that defines the American West. Here are a couple more shots I did that were not used.

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