There is this building in La Grande, Oregon that was once used by the railroad to work on trains. I called it The Art Building but now it is formally known as Waypoint Studio.

The first time that I visited the space I was inspired to shoot it. There was so much going on in there visually that I knew the photos would be magical. I had a portrait studio in La Grande for about two and a half years and used the building as a personal project. I shot the building itself, the artists that use the building, and a couple of models with the building as the set.
Since I was friends with several of the people there, I hung out there quite a bit. Since they were artists, they were eager to let me shoot and help in any way they could.

The night I was shooting Tara in the ballet tutus and cowboy boots was a particularly memorable one. Tara is a dancer and her husband, Chris, is a web designer who built my site at the time. I had her outside the building and I lit her with various colored gels as she posed. We finished shooting around midnight. As I was packing up my lights Bill came down from the band practice room and asked if we wanted to do some welding. Well I had a willing model in a tutu and all my lights with me so I said of course we do.